Ain't amazing finding those small ad's all over the net? This is how Apple's getting bigger and bigger. iPod is the weapon (Tiger is the upcoming one;)). iPod's and latest Mac models (yes, since original iMac on my opinion) is the weapon for Apple for making the transition to a new processor. Future will be the only answer, not me nor the thousand of speculators. The only thing we can do is give our opinion (at least personally). Don't forget that Apple is really strong financially backed-up at the moment and this could be the best time to try it out. Many peecee users and developers could switch to the Mac now. Maybe the "intel" name look familiar to them so they can get closer to the Mac platform (that's ridiculous of course but they are peeceers!). Also the ease of parsing their code to the Mac OS could be a key-point for their switch (that has to do the code-geeks). Originally Steve tried to cover it with a lot (!) of excuses (and no, I don't think the problem is that G5 didn't reach the 3Ghz by now - this is crup - one G5 processor is supposed to be twice as faster than a x86 cpu, so please) but I personally never mind, that's normal I guess (there are a lot of investors at the back watching their back, so Steve is watching his back!). We are during really importand days in the technology history and that makes me glad. We might see an amazing change of the percentages in the world market in the upcoming decade. So, we should be keep looking forward and I stay loyal to what held my life my dreams and my personality.
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